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5 Hacks for Reducing Pollution inside Your Home

5 Hacks for Reducing Pollution inside Your Home


Air pollution affects us all, both indoors and outdoors. It can put our health at risk, raising the likelihood of developing illnesses such as respiratory diseases and exacerbating existing health issues. Shockingly, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported that 99% of the population globally breathe air that exceeds guideline limits.

It is difficult to make an immediate impact on the pollution we face in our outdoor environments, but we can take control of our indoor spaces. Here are some changes you could make to create fresher air inside your home:

Quit using aerosol products


The word ‘aerosol’ is actually applicable to pretty much any small particles that float in the air and atmosphere around us. Natural aerosols from the earth are responsible for the mist and haze you see in certain places, such as the Smoky Mountains.

In this case though, we’re referring to ‘aerosol products’. The typically unnatural products around your home that you spray– and there are probably more of them in your home than you realise. We commonly use aerosols for personal hygiene and beauty (think hairsprays, deodorants, body sprays), we may also use aerosol cleaning products which can contain extremely strong chemicals (such as oven cleaners for example) and perhaps even in arts and crafts or DIY projects as fixatives and spray paints.

Every time an aerosol product is used, the contents disperse as tiny airborne particles, and we breathe them in without even realising it. Doing so can be a risk to your health and it’s certainly damaging to the environment too. We recommend switching out your aerosol products for alternatives. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Replace hairspray with hair gel.
  • Swap from using a spray deodorant to a stick deodorant.
  • Ditch shaving foams and use solid soap.
  • Buy rollerball perfumes instead of sprays.
  • Choose cleaning products that come in a more solid form, such as pastes.

Open windows

Ok, it’s an obvious one but we had to mention it! When cooking, cleaning, or even simply just ‘being’, open a window if you can for sometime and let fresh air flow through your home. Good ventilation is so important when it comes to reducing pollution in the home and can help to prevent condensation and subsequently, mould from forming.

Be mindful of fires


There are many reasons why we may light a fire or a flame in our homes – from habits such as smoking or burning candles, to necessities such as heating and eating.

If you use a fire to heat your home, ensure you have the proper chimney or equivalent outlets in place so that gases and pollutants are not escaping into your living environment. The same applies to cooking. Be sure to use an extractor fan where possible when cooking.

As for candles, we know it may be controversial to suggest avoiding them, but they can also be a source of pollution. These typically scented home accessories make for a calming and fragrant space, and we love that effect as much as the next person. However, candles do release toxins when burned, as well as soot. When using candles, be mindful of the following:

  • Burn them for no longer than four hours maximum.
  • Choose brands that use natural ingredients.
  • Ensure you keep the room well ventilated.
  • Trim the candle wick to ¼ inch to avoid uneven burning.
  • Don’t place your candle in the way of vents or air currents as this can cause rapid burning.

Now let’s talk about habits. If you’re a smoker, we of course encourage you to try to quit. But if you must smoke, avoid doing so indoors. Smoking inside puts not only your own health at risk but risks the health of those around you too – especially children. Whilst no flames are involved, this applies to vaping and e-cigarettes too which can also contribute to indoor pollution.

Nurture plants

Studies have shown that plants can help to absorb toxins in the air around us. Certain plants are better at this than others. Take a look at our blog post on houseplants to find out how they can support your health and wellbeing. We’ve even included a list of some of the most popular houseplants to choose from.

Use an air purifier

If you live in a high pollution area or suffer from allergies, it may be worth investing in an air purifier. There are plenty of different types on the market today to suit a variety of budgets. If you are browsing options, be mindful of choosing a purifier that comes with a HEPA filter. These types of filters have been proven to remove 99.97 percent of all particles, including dust mites and cigarette smoke.

Get in touch!

Do you have any tips of your own for keeping your air fresh? We’d love to hear from you! You can get in touch with us any time on social media or by email.

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