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Vino Supraja Carbon Footprint Analysis

Please read about our label in detail about our brand and what we stand for.

Please read about our sustainable and ethical practices.

This report analyses our current practices and finds ways to reduce our carbon footprint further. We are performing very well in certain areas, and there is room for improvement in others. As we always say, sustainability is a continuous journey where we try to improve every day. We try to be as transparent as possible by publishing this report to you. Every operation of our brand has been considered and calculated, and the report has been published by a third-party organisation called 'Livabl'.


Sustainability Report - 2022


About Livabl

"We at Livabl aim to reduce and offset carbon emissions and enable companies to take sustainable action steps, eventually making them become climate neutral. We wish to reduced offset 2 billion tons of Co2 emissions by the end of this decade".


About The Project

This project is carried out to enable Vino Supraja to become climate neutral with its operations and services. By becoming a climate-neutral company, Vino Supraja, takes complete responsibility for reducing its carbon emissions while also contributing positively to the environment by restoring the ecosystem through offset projects.

For every ton of CO2 reduced and offset, Vino Supraja nullifies a social cost of ₹3600 for the Indian economy.


About The Document

This document shares the results of the carbon footprint analysis performed for Vino Supraja. The calculations were performed based on the data collected from Vino Supraja about their processes. The data calculation was performed in adherence to the GHG protocol.

The primary focus areas were transportation, factory energy consumption and digital carbon footprint.


  Vino Supraja's Overall Carbon Footprint




  1. Vino Supraja's total carbon footprint (13.712 tons) is 0.0000000046 percent of global fashion industry emissions ( 2.972 billion tons)- negligible impact.
  2. Vino Supraja's total carbon emissions per collection are equivalent to the footprint of 8 Indians in a year, whereas a prominent online fast-fashion brand's total carbon footprint is equivalent to the footprint of 8186 Indians in a year. 


1.What is a carbon footprint?

Consecutive years of reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have highlighted that the ongoing climate crisis is a "code red" for humanity, and it is our responsibility to take action that prevents further depletion of the environment. One such effort is by calculating "carbon footprint"- the total greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) that come from the production, use and end-of-life of a product or service. GHGs are gases that trap heat or longwave radiation in the atmosphere, and their presence in the atmosphere makes the earth's surface warmer. The five main GHGs are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapour (which all occur naturally), and fluorinated gases (which are synthetic). By calculating "carbon footprint," we deeply analyse the product's impact on the climate across its entire lifecycle.

 2. What is the scope of 1,2,3 emissions? 

We come across three kinds of emissions while calculating the "carbon footprint" they are:

Scope 1 - Covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources

Scope 2 - Covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the reporting company

Scope 3 - Covers indirect emissions related to the supply chain and everything else 

 3. How much does the Fashion industry emit? 

Fashion can often be a tool used to reinvent, express and create. Unfortunately, this tool meant to uplift one's confidence to look and feel good inside out significantly contributes to climate change- up to 10 percent of global carbon emissions are from this sector. The industry emits about the same quantity of greenhouse gases (GHGs) per year as the entire economies of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom combined (McKinsey & Company, 2020). If the industry continues down this path, The Global Fashion Agenda predicts emissions will increase by 50 per cent by 2030.

4. What is Climate Neutral?

Climate neutrality is the offsetting of an organisation's greenhouse gas emissions(emission of gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) with engagement in emission reduction activities. These activities include forest conservation, renewable energies, and methane gas capture in landfills. Taking the global fashion industry in this context to counter its increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, brands would need to calculate the carbon footprint of each garment based on their supply chain, material composition and fabric consumption; and then either reduce emissions in the value chain or offset it to achieve climate neutrality.

 5. Where does VINO SUPRAJA stand? 

At Vino Supraja, we believe in ensuring that every piece of clothing you wear makes you feel good about yourself, not at the cost of the environment. As a brand from the time of conception, breaking away from the carbon and resource-intensive nature of the fast fashion industry was necessary. While offsetting is an essential tool in the climate action toolkit, in the hierarchy of climate action, implementing emission reduction mechanisms or usage of low-emissions alternatives in the value chain is the most crucial step needed to address climate change. We understand this and are committed to reducing emissions. Some of the reduction measures we have adopted early on in our value chain include:

 Using Organic Cotton and Recycled Polyester

Cotton is one of the thirstiest crops, and one cotton t-shirt requires close to 2,700 litres of water which is equivalent to what one person drinks in two-and-a-half years. We at Vino Supraja only use organic cotton with GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification and recycled polyester. We ensure that the fabric, dyes, and pigments meet approved standards across the supply chain.  

 An All Indian Supply Chain

Our entire supply chain operates within India, and this ensures that the product we create is not made in another country and limits the emissions that stem from shipping materials and garments which is a common practice within the fashion industry due to cheap labour. We also pay exceptional attention to our workers' welfare and ensure they get fair wages.

Exclusive, limited collections

Fast fashion brands encourage overconsumption by using innovative production and distribution models. They shorten fashion cycles by establishing quick turnaround times that get the garment from the designer to the customer in weeks instead of months. Further, fast fashion promotes the culture of 50-100 micro seasons. At Vino Supraja, we produce a few exclusive collections manufactured in limited numbers to ensure that we endorse slow fashion.

Upcycling and promoting repeated wears

We hate waste, and this industry is known to throw out an estimated 92 million tons of textile waste annually. We ensure that our waste is recycled or donated whenever possible to counter this. Above all, we use these scraps to make upcycled bags that give them new life. We contribute to a behavioural shift in our country's perception of waste. Also, our leftover garments used for upcycled bags reduce landfill carbon emissions by 175 kg. In the UK, actively wearing a garment for just nine months longer could diminish its environmental impacts by 20–30%. The increasingly shorter lifespan of garments leads them to be dumped in the landfill or incinerated, contributing to more emissions. We encourage our customers to follow instead our "30 Wears Rule" incentive, where any Vino Supraja product can be returned after 30 years (18 months) so that we can recycle them and offer a credit note towards your next purchase.

 Zero Plastic Packaging

Every garment is packaged in paper-based and biodegradable boxes. These boxes can be reused for storage or any other creative purpose. We are also excited to announce that after conducting a carbon footprint analysis of our entire life cycle with Livabl, our packaging has a negligible carbon footprint of 0.0017kg. 

 6. Fashion Revolution 2022 at Vino Supraja- Climate Neutral Ambition

In 2022, we as a brand have decided not to stop in our journey towards sustainable fashion and take the next step and move towards climate neutrality with Livabl. We have decided to measure, report, track, reduce and offset our carbon footprint. By taking these steps, we want to ensure that our supply chains are transparent to the end consumer and avoid any "greenwashing", i.e., marketing an organisation to appear as more environmentally friendly or more ecological. By taking the first step in measuring and reporting our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we now contribute toward climate action, and through the brand, we aim to spread awareness about climate change.

7. Understanding the Dashboard (powered by Livabl)

Total Carbon Footprint - 13.712 Tons/Year

The total footprint sums up the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions released from the entire Vino Supraja production, retail and distribution cycle. We also identified that retail and distribution (94 percent) had a significantly higher footprint than production (6 percent).

Carbon Emissions Reduced via Upcycling- 175(kg)/Collection

The value signifies the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions we have reduced in our process just by ensuring that garment wastes are recreated as upcycled bags and not dumped into the landfill where emissions increase.

Recycled Packaging Footprint- 1.728 kg/Collection

As a brand, we do not use plastic packaging, only use recycled material, so our packaging carbon footprint is negligible, which is a massive win for us.

Contribution To UN SDG Goals- 9 Goals

We are committed to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and identified various targets under each goal we contribute toward as a brand. These include:

  1. SDG 3- Good Health and Wellbeing (Target 3.9)
  2. SDG 6- Clean Water and Sanitation (Target 6.4)
  3. SDG 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth (Target 8.4) (Target 8.5)
  4. SDG 10-Reduced Inequalities (Target 10.2) 
  5. SDG 12- Responsible Consumption and Production (Target 12.2) (Target 12.3)
  6. SDG 13- Climate Action (Target 13.1) (Target 13.3)
  7. SDG 14- Life below Water (Target 14.1)
  8. SDG 15 - Life on Land (Target 15.2)
  9. SDG 17- Partnership Goals (Target 17.14)

 8. Statistics in comparison to global emissions vs VINO SUPRAJA data 

  1. Vino Supraja's total carbon footprint (13.712 tons) is only 0.0000000046 percent of global fashion industry emissions ( 2.972 billion tons)- highlighting the negligible impact.
  2. Vino Supraja's total carbon emissions per collection are equivalent to the footprint of 8 Indians in a year, whereas a prominent online fast-fashion brand's total carbon footprint is equivalent to the footprint of 8186 Indians in a year. 

Total Fabric Emissions from organic cotton and rPET


Total Fabric Emissions from cotton and virgin pet


127.82 kg Co2e


294.75 kg Co2e

 VINO SUPRAJA produces 56 percent less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by using organic cotton and rPet

9. Expanding our Ambitions:

We always have focused on reducing and using low emissions alternatives as a brand. However, we still emit close to 13.712 tons of CO2 (Electricity usage of 2.6 houses in the US in a year). To counter these emissions after careful consultation, we aim to achieve the following targets by 2030:


  • Reduce transport emissions by 10% 
  • Offset delivery emissions
  • Planting trees to offset non-delivery related emissions


CLICK HERE to read the detailed analysis.

