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How Indoor Plants Could Support Your Health & Wellbeing

How Indoor Plants Could Support Your Health & Wellbeing

This month we’re taking the concept of green living quite literally and talking about indoor plants. Did you know that indoor plants could have a positive impact on your health & wellbeing? There are so many great reasons to keep plants inside your home and we decided to find out what types of house plants our followers are keeping in theirs. Read on for some green-fingered inspiration.


 Indoor plants for health & wellbeing

 It has long been thought that indoor plants can support our mental and physical wellbeing. Here are our top three reasons to surround yourself with greenery:

  • Reduced air pollution – you might be surprised to hear that NASA is one organisation that has done extensive studies on how indoor plants can tackle pollutants. NASA launched (no pun intended!) their Clean Air Study back in 1989 to help them understand whether plants could help cleanse the air in space stations. Initial results suggested that some plants can absorb additional toxic substances that can be present in our surroundings. Research has also shown that house plants can also reduce indoor dust by up to 20%. Cleaner air and a cleaner home- what’s not to love?!
  • Improved general health – Aside from improving air quality, it is thought that plants can benefit our physical health in other ways too. Plants are known to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but did you know they can also release vapour too? This vapour can help to increase humidity levels in the home, which can be a bonus for skin and respiratory health. It can also improve symptoms for headache and allergy sufferers. You don’t need to make your home into an urban jungle to benefit. According to Dr Virginia, professor of horticulture at Washington State University, filling as little as 2% of a room with plants can make an impact. Try to position them close to your main resting / working areas for maximum benefit.
  • Better mental health– a survey of over 4,000 people worldwide found that having plants at home increased emotional wellbeing for about 74% of participants during COVID-19 lockdowns. People who kept plants inside the home also tended to experience fewer negative emotions compared to those without plants.

It is also thought that the act of nurturing plants can help those suffering with anxiety, stress and even loneliness. Caring for indoor plants can become a mindful experience for some and serve as a distraction from negative thoughts.

Spending time outdoors in green spaces can help support mental health but for those living in urban areas or those without a garden, decorating the home with house plants can create the feel of nature indoors, replicating the mental benefits.


Which house plants to choose?

There are a variety of beautiful indoor plants out there to suit every home environment. When choosing plants for your home, keep in mind that some plants need a lot of care, while others thrive on neglect. Some plants need bright light to survive, and others do well in reduced light. It’s wise to choose your plants depending on your home, lifestyle and budget. Don’t forget too that some types of plants can be dangerous to children and animals, so make sure you read up on any plants before you decide to buy.

We asked our Instagram  followers which indoor plants they have at home, and we got some great responses. Thank you if you took part! Check out the list of responses below and click the links to find out everything you need to know about keeping these plants.

Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)


Croton (Codiaeum variegatum)


Money plant / Jade plant (Crassula ovata)

Fittonia (Acanthaceae family)


Snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata)


Xanadu (Philodendron Xanadu)


Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)


Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)


ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)


Aralia (Araliaceae family)


Fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata)


Anthurium (Araceae family)


Peace lily (Spathiphyllum)


Aglaonema (Araceae family)



If you’re interested in checking out the pollution busting plants as recommend by NASA, take a look at this list.

Get in touch!

We hope we’ve inspired you to add some more greenery to your life. Let us know what plants you love and recommend – we’d love to hear from you! You can get in touch with us any time on social media or by email.

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